
Because we always need to start somewhere and now is as good a time as any.

Because your children’s future should be more respected, let’s break that cycle.

Because of you,

Because of us,

Because of them.

Because we have got here, whether we like it or not, and our politics has been measured and found wanting of soul, integrity and social trust.


Because people have used the power of your vote against you, and not given you what you trusted them with, and that has always ended historically badly.


Because we have the chance to take responsibility and ownership, and not let the same people do the same things, again and again, and around we go.


Because they should explain everything, with simple, understandable, and logical explanations, rather than the tactic of making you feel stupid and uneducated, with loops of confusing dribble or playground insults.


If you are also frustrated because….


….of the sound, sight and smell of manipulation.

….the mental pain from plain sighted hypocrisy.

….the things you voted for and have never got.

….potholes are used for political gains.

….you don’t want to go to war for stocks & shares.

….maybe you do want to fight but don’t trust the cause.

….you understand ‘local’ and want London to hear you.

We can go on and on and on…..Ultimately,


Because we always need to start somewhere, and here and now is as good a time as any.
Because your children’s future should be more respected,
let’s break that cycle.

Vote – MARK WEADEN – Because!

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